Sunday, September 1, 2024

Finally Mixing DN

I survived to my usual Labor Day week off - hooray!  Work (day job) has been incredibly chaotic pretty much since April and so it's been quite exhausting, and therefore just surviving up to this point is a bit of an accomplishment.  Of course, the US Open always conflicts with my music schedule during this week so I'm trying to juggle, albeit poorly.

I finally have the Mac Studio pretty much setup and working as expected.  I actually spent almost 2 hours last night diagnosing an issue with my MIDi controller just to find out, after I solved the issue, that I had actually written a note for myself during my previous computer switch in order to prevent this very dilemma.  Ugh.  I'm not always the greatest at reading my own notes, as you can tell.

Day 1 of mixing went pretty well and was fairly long.  I attacked "My Little Jealousy", one of the tracks I was having an issue with mainly on the drums, and I decided to revert my version backward about 4 versions.  I think this was wise and I probably should do this more often, although it is frustrating losing all of that ground, but if you have inherent issues that you created along the way it's probably the easiest way to safely get rid of them.  For the most part, I walked away with a track that's not 100% but at least ready to be tweaked further for eventual final mixdown.  That's really all I'm shooting for this week for every song.

It's nice to finally be working on the Defrost Nixon material which was supposed to be started in early June.  It should be noted that I did not send out "Mirror Land" for mastering yet because for whatever reason my mixes for those three tracks are going in the red on the new Mac Studio, whereas they were not on the Mac Mini.  I've done quite a bit of digging on this and cannot find why that would be.  It's made me question if the Mac Mini was running out of power and simply acting strangely, making me not completely trust those mixes at this point.  I've had a few other weird occurrences as well that I can't explain but after spending a few evenings on it I simply decided to put it aside once again and move forward as planned.

This should be a fairly interesting week.  Given all that I've learned this year with mixing, my hope is to be able to take a song and actually get it to 80%+ in one day.  That would be amazing seeing my history with mixing but that is my hope.  I'll probably be posting daily, just to chronicle this for myself.  I still have high hopes that I'll be able to release 3 full albums and the "Mirror Land" EP by the end of the year, provided this week goes well.

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