Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Latency...Just Say No

I had a fairly frustrating day yesterday that completely started out on the wrong foot.  Before starting my mixing session on the next track, "Photographs of You", I wanted to quickly lay down a piano part idea from the day before on a different track.  I wasn't able to accomplish this the first time around since my MIDi Controller wasn't working properly.  Now that that issue was resolved, it should be easy, right?

Wrong!  I played the part, albeit poorly, and then listened to it back.  "Hey, wait a minute...  That's not even in time with the music!  I don't play THAT badly!"  Yes, that's right, ProTools had somehow captured the small part completely out of time with where I recorded it.  WTF?!

I did it again, and again, and again, simplifying it as I went along for ease of listening.  Then, I verified it on the MIDi Editor grid and, sure enough, the notes were lagging about 2/16th notes behind.  Seriously, what the hell?!  I PAID for this upgrade?1

This of course got me off on yet another tangent of research, trying different settings, and so on.  In other words, about 2 hours down the toilet...just to find that it's apparently a bug in the 2024.06 PT software.  Nice!  And, where's the fix?!  I did finally find a supposed workaround later last night that I have yet to try today but hopefully it'll work.  I ended up yesterday just changing my settings slightly for the MIDi options screen which simply made the alignment slightly better but still off, but it was at least easier to snap it to grid since it was closer to being correct.  Ah, you've gotta love switching computers and PT versions, I tell ya...

The rest of my day and mixing was slightly tense since I was behind on time.  I got "Photographs..." setup, etc., and at one point sounding pretty clear but then lost it a bit along the way via tinkering.  The track will definitely need more work and lots of leveling but it's at least ready to be tinkered further.  Ah, the fun.

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