Tuesday, January 11, 2022

And Also...the Man

My so called musical 'break' ended up being quite a bit longer than I had expected.  I really thought that I'd at least poke around musically during my two weeks off over the holidays but, alas, no.  For whatever reason, I just couldn't get my myself motivated in any shape or form, really for a variety of reasons if I'm to be honest with myself.  One thing that I've learned over the years is that it's best to never push your artistic endeavors and instead wait until the inspiration hits you.  Yes, seriously.

I think I'm on my way back, though, since I'm starting to get the music 'bug' again.  I finally stopped listening to Carly Simon although I do have a few more of her albums in my shelf that I have yet to crack into.  Instead, I'm now head-in to the band And Also the Trees, a little known band that has made something like 15+ albums over the years since the early 80's.  A friend of mine in high school named Beck once mentioned their name to me way back then and played a bit of their first album.  It somehow planted in my brain very deeply and has never left to where I never forgot the band name or the look of the album cover.  I decided to seek this band out only 3 or so years ago and have fallen pretty head over heals with their music.  I'd say they're sort of a cross between Dead Can Dance and Talk Talk with a smidge of Nick Cave, if you can imagine that, but like those bands they grew and changed a bit over the years.  Every album I pick up by them has really taken my breath away except for (ironically) their first album but it's simply because the sound of the music on that one is so incredibly early 80's.  I'm sure I'll come around to it in time but for now I'm currently spinning "The Millpond Years".  I should also mention that their CD's are not always easy to find and I just finally managed to get my hands on a reasonable copy of "Angelfish", from Japan, of all places (one of the good things about the internet...I can actually order a CD directly from Japan, and even more amazingly it arrived at my house literally in 2 days.  I mean, wow).  "Angelfish" sometimes is listed at around $100+ on Ebay so the $32 I spent was quite a bargain in my eyes.  I put it on very briefly tonight, just to hear what it sounded like, and I promptly had to force myself to turn it off after one song...simply because it sounded sooooo good, and I'm not quite done with "The Millpond Years" yet.  I really try to only attack one album by a band/artist at a time.

The other CD that I keep spinning is the little known and semi elusive Chantal Acda & Bill Frisell live album called "Live at Jazz Middelheim".  I had never heard of Acda before and really didn't know what to expect with this one but, since I pretty much buy and own anything Frisell related, I just took the plunge without really thinking about it.  It's just the two of them live with two guitars and Acda's voice but there's just something quite lovely about it overall.  Acda seems to have a unique flair for melody and Frisell's playing really compliments it, and therefore this album has become quite prized by me as of late.  It's perfect late night candle music for when you're home alone with the lights down low and I find it almost like a meditation.

In my personal music news, I think I finally know what I'm going to do on "(He Was) Some Kind of a Man".  It has really been taking me a terribly long time to make this decision but I knew I literally needed to let it sit long enough that I no longer expected to hear the old movie dialogue, and then and only then would I be able to tell if my new ideas were working.  I'm hoping to maybe flesh it out this weekend and perhaps we can get these damn CD's printed yet.  Oh, if only.  On the flip side, I did listen to the "Mirror Land" EP mixes this past weekend and was quite impressed for they're getting close.