Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tennis Instead

I accomplished absolutely nothing yesterday, as I figured, and instead favored the Men's Semi Finals over doing anything music related.  I think everyone deserves at least one day off, right?  Damn, I hope so.

I did spend a decent amount of time planning out the rest of the year, meaning what I'd like to get accomplished before 1/1/25, and then when to work on it and for how long, etc.  These sorts of plans are just that - "plans", and usually don't have non-bumpy rides that inevitably push back the dates, overcomplicating everything.  Let's just say that my plans for the remainder of the year are rather aggressive but I'm going to do the best I can with it.

I also mapped out 2025 at a very high level which unfortunately is another pretty aggressive plan in itself, especially since I'm hoping to be doing a house addition in the middle of the year which will likely take at least three months of that timer.  My thought all along was to work incredibly hard this year and next, and then I can slow down a bit afterward but so far that's proving a bit challenging.  I guess we'll see.

On the plus side, I'm seriously thinking that I've been going about mixing all wrong, meaning my overall process for it, and if my theories are correct I should greatly be able to reduce the amount of time it takes to actually mix something.  This would be tremendous, of course, and I actually think I could potentially get things done in a "normal" amount of time rather than the insanely long spans that it has been taking.  This is only a theory at this point, mind you, but I do believe I'm on to something at very long last.  It would be huge if I'm right.

I think I've also decided to retinker the "Mirror Land" EP yet again on the new machine.  The back story here is that 2 of the 3 mixes were basically done and perfect on my old machine but upon opening them and playing them on the new one, I have tracks clipping here and there.  This is highly unusual, mind you, and after speaking with Avid directly and such, it's a bit of a mystery as to why it's happening.  Regardless, my old machine was pegged on memory so I'm thinking that one may have had the issue, in fact, and may not have been registering the sounds correctly, as strange as that is to say.  I'm thinking I'm just going to yet again retool them a bit for the new machine.  If nothing else, they'll be good going forward since I plan to keep this computer for quite awhile.

That's the news from here.  I'm opting not to watch the Women's Final live today and instead will be working, trying to do a bit of catch up.

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