Wednesday, September 4, 2024

I've Gone Superior

I had a pretty good day yesterday, finally a day with no major surprises.  I'm learning a lot this week about how to pull things together, pump things up, and so on.  It's been pretty interesting so far, all the software upgrade issues aside.  By the way, the Avid "work around" for the MIDi latency issue did NOT work for me so that's a real drag.  I'm still waiting to hear back from their support department which has been historically awful, in my opinion.

"Humor for a Lexophile" now sounds pretty good and is setup for final mixdown.  The biggest challenge with it is that there are 2 different drum sets/drummers, and that's a new one for me.  Trying to make the two sound like one or at least make it not incredibly jarring to your ear is a little difficult.  The song took a major turn for the better I think back in May, when I added the new piano part that's become more of the main melody for the verses.  I hadn't originally seen the track going in that direction but it does seem to work pretty well.  Of course, we never played the song in that manner so it's just a very different sound altogether.  Thank goodness I recorded it back in May for doing it now with this MIDi issue would be a real pain in the rump (thanks Avid!).

I also got an email saying that Toontrack is running a discounted price on crossgrading to Superior Drummer, dropping the price by about $80.  That was enough for me to take the plunge since I was debating about it anyway.  From what I had seen and heard about the software, it has a great function in it for doing what Steven Slate's Trigger 2 does and supposedly does it better.  As I keep saying over and over, I'm not a huge fan of Trigger 2 nor of Steven Slate's software in general so this might be a great fit.  Plus, you get all the sounds of Superior Drummer at your disposal versus the small handful that Trigger 2 gives you.  It's a huge install so we'll see how it goes.

I've also been watching tennis here and there where I can.  It's always a struggle trying to stay dialed into anything when you're juggling multiple tasks and such.  It's still great to see what I can of it although the matches so far have been a bit on the disappointing side.  It seems that every time I start watching and getting into it, someone becomes minorly injured and the match is basically over.

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