Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hittin' the 'Studio'

I haven't had a post in awhile since it's been a bit crazy around here.  After a lot of planning and discussion, the roof was finally redone on the house, which might sound like not that big of a deal but it ended up taking a lot of my time since I wanted to change the tile type.  Due to the noise and the skittish nature of the cats, it was decided it would be best to go to a hotel for a few days, and that of course yielded its own issues.

I also had an enormous amount of drama trying to make a larger purchase at Costco,  Now, I'm not a huge Costco guy, to be honest, but I had been considering switching from a Mac Mini to a Mac Studio for awhile and Costco just happened to have it on sale on top of their already $200 discounted price.  It seemed the right moment to take the plunge, and why not also open a Costco credit card and upgrade my membership so I get cash back at the end of the year on top of it?  Well, it all sounded good on paper but you wouldn't believe the number of hours and phone calls it took to work all of this out.  I would actually make a whole rather comical blog entry out of it but the situation was so convoluted that I already can't remember all the finer details.

The Mac Studio arrived and only a couple days later the roof work started so it was off to the hotel.  Upon coming back to the house, I'm still fighting to the get solar put back on the roof which has been a minor fiasco in itself.  It wasn't until this weekend that I was even able to take the Mac Studio out of the wrapping and actually plug it in.

I decided to take most of this weekend just to start loading up the computer.  When I switched to the Mac Mini a couple years ago, this proved to be a pretty big task but luckily I kept decent notes.  That plus the power of the CPU of the Mac Studio made most of the installing not too terribly painful but still rather time consuming.  I believe at this point that I have all the software needed on it but I'm not going to actually switch over to the computer, moving the data and such, until the "Mirror Land" mixes are officially done and mastered.  I just remembered last time that I had some weird issues initially in my mixes that caused me some grief so I'd prefer to just wait.  I'm hoping to make the switch within the next 2 weeks and actually more or less need to do so before my week off in 3 weeks so I can continue hammering away at the Defrost Nixon material.

I'm afraid that's really all I have to report at the moment.  I'm hoping to have good news fairly soon.

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