Sunday, July 14, 2024

The "Land" is Mirrored at Last

I'm happy to report that the "Mirror Land" EP is basically done!  Now, I say "basically" because I do have some more minor changes to make but they're all things that are part of the process.  In other words, the core of the mix is done and hardened, and actually it sounds pretty damn good.  I'm definitely getting better at this.

I would suspect that I'll be ready to completely lock down this EP at long last maybe by the end of next weekend.  That means that it might go out for mastering the following week, and then I could post it about a week later and also put in the order for the CD's.  Talk about a monkey off of my back.  I'd say we're looking at a release date of about one month from now.  I can't tell you how ecstatic about this I am.  It's been waaaaay too long in the making and waaaaay too much work on my part.  I don't even want to guess at the number of hours.  However, I went into both of these EP's with the goal of coming out a stronger mixing and recording engineer and I think that is indeed happening for I've learned a ton over the past 6-7 months.

I spent a decent part of today actually re-recording the electric guitar part on the title track.  I did this because there were some deep issues with the original takes that I simply couldn't ignore.  Plus, it's a super simple part, only on the refrains, so it seemed dumb to not do it.  I also added just a tad of hand percussion to the refrain as well because it felt to me like it needed just a little something extra to keep the beat.

This gave me an opportunity to do my first recording with my new Benson Earhart.  I pulled out my Rick 360 and initially started playing every Tom Petty riff that was lingering in my head, and then I started tweaking knobs and got down to business.  At first, I was really kind of frustrated since the part was not recording correctly.  And then, duh...  I figured out what the issue was via muting some tracks by accident.  I was actually routing the output of the track to another buss which was not turned on!  Hah, hah.  Yeah, that'll get ya every time!  That's the downside of recording this late into the process.  As soon as I figured that out, I was like...ah...there's the sound I'm looking for!  And so, the maiden voyage went pretty well.  I will say that the Rick sounded amazing through that amp, especially playing the Petty stuff.  I was definitely having a bit of a Mike Campbell moment.

I haven't had much time to do anything else but I do believe I'll finally get heads down into the Defrost Nixon mixes this coming week.  I'm actually looking forward to it.  Figuring out how to mix drums more efficiently will be a bit of a learning curve but I dare say that it might just be my last major hurdle to get over.  I'll be simply over the moon if the DN stuff gets mixed in a fairly easy and fast manner.  At this point in time, I'm so incredibly eager to start working on new recordings and ideas but I've got quite a ways to go first.

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