Monday, April 22, 2024

Stick This in Your Photoshop

I actually did zero mixing this weekend.  That's right, zippo, zero, negative-o, etc.  No, I'm not happy about it but it's how it goes sometimes.  I instead worked on the artwork for "The Effects of Connection" which yielded few results since I spent much of the time fighting with Adobe Photoshop.

Photoshop is one of those programs that's easy to see why someone would get paid a large amount of money if they know it very well.  It's SUPER powerful; knowing how to do anything in the program, however, is akin to making a sturdy structure out of mashed potatoes.

To make it even worse, Photoshop has "simplified" the process over the years, adding in supposed "short cuts" and such.  The problem is that, if they don't work, it gives you absolutely no information on the why it doesn't work.  I've also found the help screens almost more confusing than not using them.  Maybe it's just me...I have an intuitive brain, and we all know that these things are now made for the non-intuitive brain, so it's hard for me to understand that method of thinking, if you will.

So, after sitting at the computer and literally swearing at the screen and Adobe for a few hours (every expletive under the sun plus a few creative ones), I got little else done.  I also needed to work on the yard, one of those tasks that I deem as the bane of my existence.  Call me nuts but spraying weeds and cutting grass seem to me to be the most pointless activities any busy human being could possibly ever have to do.

At the end of the day, I think I have my two main photos ready to be placed in the templates but I guess we'll see.  I'm hoping to get the CD's ordered within the next week.

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