Sunday, April 14, 2024

Back to the Grind

I've been hard at work on the "Mirror Land" EP at this point since that's the next "monkey on my back" that I need to have removed.  It's been interesting so far because the tracks have transformed quite a bit from what I had even a few months ago.  I will say that learning how to use delays on tracks really was a game changer for me and I can't believe I didn't know to do that sooner.  For UA users, I swear by the Cooper Time Cube plugin and now use it pretty much all over the place.

I've also finally started working on the Defrost Nixon album.  I'm now officially about a month and a half behind on it, which isn't the greatest, mind you, but it is what it is.  Add to it that work has been pretty taxing lately and then I've had more Mohs done at the same time, it's been hard to really focus and move forward.

Speaking of which, my doctor keeps reminding me that I apparently used "the strangest excuse ever" to reschedule one of my Mohs procedures last year.  Now, mind you that pretty much 98% of my Mohs areas are literally on top of my head, and last Labor Day I ended up rescheduling because I realized that one of the procedures was going to fall during my week off for recording and such.  When I record, obviously I need to use headphones, and if I have this huge bandage and/or sore area on my head, well, it seemed obvious to me that I'd get nothing done.  I therefore thought I did the smart thing and rescheduled but instead was read the riot act.  Well, my doctor still thinks my reasoning was "bizarre".  It doesn't sound unusual to me but I honestly don't know how else to explain it to her.

I've only just begun working on Defrost Nixon but I chose to start from the back, the very last track that I worked on via recording called "Our Satellite's Collide".  I really love this track but I had totally forgotten that I had some completely experimental bits on the recording.  I saw a small group of muted tracks and was like, "hmm...what's this?"  It ended up being a weird morse code like alarm sound on one side while I used a small megaphone on the other to blurt out mission control like commands.  Needless to say, it made me laugh quite a bit.  I didn't mute them again since I thought maybe, just maybe I can find a way to use this.

I also need to work on the artwork for "The Effects of Connection" for the CD's but I simply didn't have the energy to do so this weekend.  That's what happens when two small furry creatures (cats) wake you up at 6:20am on a Sunday.  Ugh.

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